Monday, 16 December 2013

Feedback Double page spread

-image looks good with the blurred background focuses in on model well
-good use of ripped paper 
-i like the image a lot! 
-love the ripped paper
-looks professional 
-good layout 
- colours match image 
-great layout 
-good effect on image 
-great powerful pull quote 
-bold title 
-image positioned well as of she's looking at article 
-headline bold 
-good ripped paper effect 
-relevant image with good model 
-good use of image 
-good colour scheme
-lighting used well on image 
-masthead used on DPS
-Good layout 
-colour scheme matches
-good image 
-Title/font stands out
-Good image 
-good font 
-good image 
-nice font 
-effect on image background is good
-font stands out
-good image 
-the layout is good 
-good effects used 
-great layout 
-Title font is good 
-lighting on image 

-add a website 
-edges of ripped paper still white fill them in to improve 
-change quote colour so it stands out
-could add sub images 
-could use secondary images to break up block of text 
- add an image caption 
-perhaps a byline 
-text to small to read 
-text to small
-the text is a bit small
-cant read article text to small
-text a bit small
-text to small
-add a byline 
-bit small text in article 

This feedback will help me to Improve my magazine double page spread. I will use the constructive criticism to edit things on my magazine, making it overall more professional and improved. The feedback also highlights the good things on my magazine that basically attract my target audience so I wont change these as these are appealing however the negative things I will make sure to either replace or edit so that my audience are more attracted to it. 

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